New Neurologist!

Hey guys,

Its been a little bit but I’ve been doing some crafts and its been keeping me pretty busy!

I went to see the new neurologist, Dr. Perrien last week! He was awesome, might I add! He did some nerve studies in his office because I’ve been having some really sharp, severe pains in the back of my arms, primarily the right one and my right foot keeps getting the pins and needles sensations. Everything looked good on the nerve studies and he sent me to have some labs done because he is thinking the sensation in my right foot could be caused from diabetes. I had an A1c, Thyroid panel, B12 and something else but I can’t remember what it was. Well the nurse called me at the beginning of this week and my B12 is really low and she said that I was borderline diabetic, although my A1c was only 5.6. So now I am going to follow up with my family doctor so that she can treat me for those things. He started me on Nortriptyline (I think I spelled that right) to try and help with the migraines and see if it will help with some of the pain in my back and legs.

Last Thursday, I seen Dr. Clark, the neurosurgeon, again and he said that I don’t have to come back to see him until next August!!! YAY! He seems to think that I Hydromyelia instead of Syringomyelia. Its basically the same and carries the same risks, except with Hydromyelia it is connected to the fourth ventricle of the brain. In the womb you have a cord thar runs down the center of your spinal cord and after birth it is suppose to close up. Obviously mine didn’t. So he is just going to keep an eye on it before we proceed with the shunt.

So this is where we stand right now as far as doctors go, hoping I can take a couple weeks off from going to the doctor because it seems that since diagnosis in July, that’s all.I do anymore!

I am going to have to call my family doctor because my blood pressure is staying high. Has anyone else experienced this? I would love to hear your thoughts, comments and stories!

Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend and God Bless!